Lazzarini and crew bring the Practical to a Summer Blockbuster The head was also equipped with
a helmet custom molded to
fit Ronald Binion's head, a pair of High-Definition video goggles so
that he could see what was in frame on camera, and a walkie-talkie
system allowing him to communicate and recieve directions. Ron provided
the gross body and arm movements, and Rick Lazzarini puppeteered
the facial expressions. When finished, Slimer and a support kit were
packed and shipped to Boston, where we rolled cameras on him during the
hot-dog scene, the stealing Ecto-1 scene, and the scenes of him driving
away...and with his gal friend! Here's a final movement test before he
was whisked to set!: We mentioned his gal friend. right?
On one of our Slimer shoot days, Production requested: "Can you make a Mrs. Slimer?" Answer: Hell,
yeah! So as soon as we were done with Slimer's scenes we jetted
back to The Character Shop and created a second, more feminized...Mrs. Slimer! ! Here she is,
lavender bow, eyeshadow, lashes, lipstick, and green ponytail! What's New
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where otherwise noted, all contents are the property of The Character
Shop, Inc.
and copyright 2016
Who ya gonna call? The Character Shop!
Impressed by the variety and enthusiasm, a discussion was launched into
about how important it was to include Practical Effects as a main
element, as audiences were embracing that approach rather than the
CGI-fest of recent films. It was noted that even JJ Abrams was
utilizing this method on the upcoming "Star Wars" reboot, and it was
agreed that
it was about time a good mix happened, much like it did in the original
"Jurassic Park"; a melding of Practical and CG effects, combining the
best of both worlds. Paul Feig ended the meeting by telling Rick:
"You're the Man!
and enthused, Lazzarini returned to the shop and began directing
his crew to start making 3D mockups; taking the next step to further
wow Feig and Co. However, it was only a few weeks later that bad news
was delivered: "Our budget got slashed. There won't be the room for the
Practical FX and Animatronics we talked about. Sorry. But Rick, you're
the only one we're talking to, the only one we want to talk to, the
only one we will
talk to. We'll let you know if the situation changes" said the
Executive Producer. Deflated and dejected, Rick gave word to his team,
who ceased all design and prototyping work, packed their tools, and
went home.
It was only a temporary blow, however, as not soon after, the situation
did change! The Executive Producer was back on the phone with Rick:
"Paul would like you to build us a Slimer. But here's the deal, we
don't have a separate Animatronics budget, so the budget won't be much.
And there's not a lot of time, we need it fast. Oh, and it's just going
to serve as a movement reference for the CG Dept., and be a real thing
on set for the gals to react to". That's not the most attractive
deal ever offered, but Hey! The basics of it was "Will you build us a Slimer for this next
Ghostbusters film?" and no one
who does this for a living would say no to that!
Rick immediately hired back essential crew and began creating a Slimer
sculpture at a frenzied pace. Molds were made, cores were made, and
fabrication began on the suit, while animatronic mechanisms for the
eyes, brows, tongue, and mouth were begun...
Pleased with our work, we were anxious to see the finished product.
Going in, we knew that we would be serving mainly as movement
reference, and sure enough, the animators faithfully duplicated a lot
of the movements we created on set. Unfortunately, worse news was yet
to come: at the end of the film, the great work by TCS and crew was
completely left out of the end credits. For a $144 million film, it's
disappointing to deliver something of value above and beyond what the
Director and Production have requested, to have great looking Practical
FX smeared over by inferior CG work, and to then be not given the
credit deserved.
TCS President Rick Lazzarini called attention to this poor behavior
with a special Facebook post, and personally thanked the hardworking
crew, each by name, who had worked so hard to contribute to the quality
and success of the film. With over 77 shares and 256 likes, it shows
that the Practical FX community cares about being recognized for their
efforts...just as much as hundreds of folks in the VFX departments do.
Here is the link to that post:
Perhaps we
can create a cool animatronic creature in the near future, for
you!...if we do...please give us the proper credit. It's just the right
thing to do!
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