We created an incredibly realistic bloodhound replica for "Sweet
Home Alabama", starring Reese Witherspoon, a Touchstone Films Production,
currently in release. By the way, "Sweet Home Alabama" took the top box-office
spot on its' opening day! Production manager Sara White (who we worked
with on Barry Sonnenfeld's "Big Trouble") rang
us up with an unusual request; create an authentic looking double of a bloodhound
dog's head, so it could be submerged, then quickly emerge from a pond of
water. Apparently, the real dog wasn't too good at holding his breath and
emerging on cue! So, Sara and the trainer sent us pics of "Baron", and we went to
work creating a very nice duplicate. Below, you can see the different stages;
sculpture, painted skin, and final product with fur applied, using our
Creature Flockerâ„¢.
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