"Racing Stripes": Buzz and Scuzz image copyright Columbia Pictures 2004 image copyright Columbia Pictures/Hybride Technologies 2004 (click on any pic to see a larger version) One of the basic creative services we provide here at The Character Shop is Character Design and Development. Some Producers and Clients recognize that, even if the creature is to be finalized in CG rather than animatronics, they're still going to get a better result by having the design done by a company who lives and breathes 3-Dimensional character creation. For "Racing Stripes", TCS was commissioned to design the housefly characters "Buzz" and "Scuzz", as voiced by Steve Harvey and David "Try starting out life as a maggot. Nobody wants to pet a little maggot!" Spade. As with any good character design, the task was to maintain a visual link to the actors features. Hence, Buzz featured the "flat top" haircut of Steve Harvey, while Scuzz featured a 'do reminiscent of the stringy hairstyle of Mr. Spade. Many rough pencil sketches were genereated, then followed up by more detailed renderings. Finally, small 3-Dimensional macquettes were sculpted and cast in rigid plastic, giving the CG animators at Hybride a model they could digitize to create their 3D models. Check out how the progress went on the design and development! What's New
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